вторник, 19 февраля 2013
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
Самое грустное даже не то, что некому спросить как дела, позаботиться, посочувствовать или пожалеть, а то, что не с кем поделиться радостью.
воскресенье, 28 октября 2012
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
Once again, a smart girl was really stupid.
суббота, 01 сентября 2012
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
Это глупо, но я уже больше года не засыпала с такой счастливой миной на лице
четверг, 05 июля 2012
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The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
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воскресенье, 22 апреля 2012
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
by Theodore Tilton
Once in Persia reigned a King,
Who upon his signet ring
Graved a maxim true and wise,
Which, if held before his eyes,
Gave him counsel, at a glance,
Fit for every change or chance:
Solemn words, and these are they:
"'Even this shall pass away!'"
Trains of camels through the sand
Brought him gems from Samarcand;
Fleets of galleys through the seas
Brought him pearls to rival these.
But he counted little gain
Treasures of the mine or main.
"What is wealth?" the King would say;
"'Even this shall pass away.'"
In the revels of his court,
At the zenith of the sport,
When the palms of all his guests
Burned with clapping at his jests,
He, amid his figs and wine,
Cried, "O loving friends of mine!
Pleasure comes, but not to stay:
'Even this shall pass away.'"
Lady fairest ever seen
Was the bride he crowned his queen.
Pillowed on the marriage-bed,
Whispering to his soul, he said,
"Though a bridegroom never pressed
Dearer bosom to his breast,
Mortal flesh must come to clay:
'Even this shall pass away.'"
Fighting on a furious field,
Once a javelin pierced his shield.
Soldiers with a loud lament
Bore him bleeding to his tent.
Groaning from his tortured side,
"Pain is hard to bear," he cried,
"But with patience day by day,
'Even this shall pass away.'"
Towering in the public square
Twenty cubits in the air,
Rose his statue carved in stone.
Then the King, disguised, unknown,
Gazing at his sculptured name,
Asked himself,"And what is fame?
Fame is but a slow decay:
'Even this shall pass away.'"
Struck with palsy, sere and old,
Waiting at the Gates of Gold,
Spake he with his dying breath,
"Life is done, but what is Death?"
Then, in answer to the King,
Fell a sunbeam on his ring,
Showing by a heavenly ray --
"Even this shall pass away."
Once in Persia reigned a King,
Who upon his signet ring
Graved a maxim true and wise,
Which, if held before his eyes,
Gave him counsel, at a glance,
Fit for every change or chance:
Solemn words, and these are they:
"'Even this shall pass away!'"
Trains of camels through the sand
Brought him gems from Samarcand;
Fleets of galleys through the seas
Brought him pearls to rival these.
But he counted little gain
Treasures of the mine or main.
"What is wealth?" the King would say;
"'Even this shall pass away.'"
In the revels of his court,
At the zenith of the sport,
When the palms of all his guests
Burned with clapping at his jests,
He, amid his figs and wine,
Cried, "O loving friends of mine!
Pleasure comes, but not to stay:
'Even this shall pass away.'"
Lady fairest ever seen
Was the bride he crowned his queen.
Pillowed on the marriage-bed,
Whispering to his soul, he said,
"Though a bridegroom never pressed
Dearer bosom to his breast,
Mortal flesh must come to clay:
'Even this shall pass away.'"
Fighting on a furious field,
Once a javelin pierced his shield.
Soldiers with a loud lament
Bore him bleeding to his tent.
Groaning from his tortured side,
"Pain is hard to bear," he cried,
"But with patience day by day,
'Even this shall pass away.'"
Towering in the public square
Twenty cubits in the air,
Rose his statue carved in stone.
Then the King, disguised, unknown,
Gazing at his sculptured name,
Asked himself,"And what is fame?
Fame is but a slow decay:
'Even this shall pass away.'"
Struck with palsy, sere and old,
Waiting at the Gates of Gold,
Spake he with his dying breath,
"Life is done, but what is Death?"
Then, in answer to the King,
Fell a sunbeam on his ring,
Showing by a heavenly ray --
"Even this shall pass away."
суббота, 25 февраля 2012
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
A man of words and not of deeds
Is like a garden full of weeds
And when the weeds begin to grow
It's like a garden full of snow
And when the snow begins to fall
It's like a bird upon the wall
And when the bird away does fly
It's like an eagle in the sky
And when the sky begins to roar
It's like a lion at the door
And when the door begins to crack
It's like a stick across your back
And when your back begins to smart
It's like a penknife in your heart
And when your heart begins to bleed
You're dead, and dead, and dead indeed.
Is like a garden full of weeds
And when the weeds begin to grow
It's like a garden full of snow
And when the snow begins to fall
It's like a bird upon the wall
And when the bird away does fly
It's like an eagle in the sky
And when the sky begins to roar
It's like a lion at the door
And when the door begins to crack
It's like a stick across your back
And when your back begins to smart
It's like a penknife in your heart
And when your heart begins to bleed
You're dead, and dead, and dead indeed.
четверг, 02 февраля 2012
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
Soulmates never die?
Раньше я в это верила. А еще верила, что чем дольше знаешь человека, тем крепче дружба. Столько ссор и перемирий, столько общих воспоминаний. Но в какой-то момент все это перестает значить, люди становятся чужими. Странная она, эта жизнь.
Раньше я в это верила. А еще верила, что чем дольше знаешь человека, тем крепче дружба. Столько ссор и перемирий, столько общих воспоминаний. Но в какой-то момент все это перестает значить, люди становятся чужими. Странная она, эта жизнь.
воскресенье, 01 января 2012
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
среда, 28 декабря 2011
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
It's the bitter taste of losing everything that I've held so dear
вторник, 27 декабря 2011
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
Я так хочу на каток!
четверг, 22 декабря 2011
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
Мне уже от самой себя тошно. Как будто другим легче! Не расклеиваться! Собралась и сделала, все что требуется, и нечего больше себя жалеть!
суббота, 17 декабря 2011
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
Последнее время все, что мне нужно - это диван, телевизор и кружка чая. Запасы шоколада стремительно уменьшаются, а университетские долги растут. Я диванная картошка. Все, завтра возьмусь за ум.
четверг, 15 декабря 2011
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
Наконец-то сходили на Высоцкого. Ну что сказать, чего-то подобного я и ожидала. Фильм о жизни и смерти, о настоящей дружбе, о преданности, о любви, о человеческом достоинстве. Вроде бы ничего нового, но так искренне, так пронзительно! Прекрасный фильм.
понедельник, 12 декабря 2011
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
Посылаю лучи благополучия тому замечательному мужчине, который достал мой айпод с нижней подножки электрички. Удивлена до глубины души, что остались еще на свете альтруисты. Спасибо вам, мужчина с платформы, вы лучший.
суббота, 03 декабря 2011
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
Всегда говорю, что не обижаюсь и что мне безразлично, а ведь на самом деле и злюсь, и обижаюсь. И ревную, когда утверждаю обратное. Какая я, оказывается, лицемерная, кошмар!
пятница, 02 декабря 2011
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
Говорят, мятный чай помогает от бессоницы
среда, 30 ноября 2011
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The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
Закрытая запись, не предназначенная для публичного просмотра
воскресенье, 27 ноября 2011
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The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
Закрытая запись, не предназначенная для публичного просмотра
пятница, 25 ноября 2011
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
Нужно меняться.
понедельник, 14 ноября 2011
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The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
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